Cake Recipes
These basic ingredients for baking a cake are; flour, eggs, fat (usually butter), sugar, salt, a form of liquid (usually milk), and leavening agents (such as baking soda).
Holidays Special
Glacy Pink cake, Blue berry cake, Chocolate cake, Marshmallow White cake, Red velvet cake, Carrot cake.
Birthdays Special
Chocolate cake, White Chocolate cake, Marshmallow White cake, Chocolate Chip cake, Blue berry cake, Red velvet cake, Carrot cake.
Natural Ingredients
Organic food is grown using organic gardening and farming methods. Not only is organic food free from any pesticides so its better for your body, but it is also better for the planet too.
Cakes on Demand
Chocolate cake, Glacy Pink cake, Marshmallow White cake, Blue berry cake, Red velvet cake, Carrot cake.
Celebration Special
Glacy Pink cake, Blue berry cake, Chocolate cake, Marshmallow White cake, Red velvet cake, Carrot cake.